Salted Caramel Ricotta Ice Cream

Side Best

Let’s say you find yourself stuck indoors on a rainy day, and you’ve been wondering what to do with that five-pound tub of ricotta cheese in the ice box. And maybe you’ve got some beautiful Pink            Himalayan or Red Hawaiian Salt in the pantry, and a jar of caramel sauce you’ve been saving for a rainy day. Guess what, it’s a perfect day to let them out to play with the Ice Cream Machine.

Think creamy, frozen, salted caramel cheesecake on a spoon.

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5 cups fresh whole milk ricotta

1-1/4 cup sugar

! cup milk

1 cup cream

7 egg yolks

2 tsp vanilla

1/2 cup caramel sauce plus extra for serving

2 tsp good quality flaked salt (like Himalayan Pink) plus extra for serving

Combine all the ingredients except the ricotta, salt and caramel into a mixing bowl and whisk until well combined. Place the ricotta in a food processor and process until smooth and not grainy. Place the egg mixture in a double boiler, heat and whisk until temp reaches 145 degrees. Add the mix to the food processor and pulse until combined. Place ice cream base in the refrigerator until chilled.

Pour the base into your ice cream maker and proceed as per manufacturer’s instructions. Add the caramel and salt at the end of the cycle, then process for another minute. Serve immediately with the extra salt and caramel or freeze in an airtight container. When ready to serve remove from the freezer and let soften, then serve. (makes 2 batches depending on the size of your ice cream maker)
